Couples Psycotherapy

We form an Alliance with your relationship…

In couples therapy, the patient is not an individual, but rather, the relationship between two individuals. Our trained therapists work to understand the unique needs of each relationship and tailor the focus of therapy collaboratively. We recognize that no two relationships are the same and will use our training in a variety of techniques to join with you to address your needs.

Do we need couples therapy…

When there are ruptures in the relationship, reoccurring unresolved conflicts, or the relationship feels empty and lacks desired fulfillment, couples therapy may help. Each partner once desired more for the relationship and expected things to feel different. 

Why us… why now…

Relationship problems occur at the intersection of each partner’s life story. Relationships often begin with the hope that they will bring happiness, purpose and fulfillment. These hopes are influenced uniquely by each partner’s history and generate powerful expectations for the relationship. These expectations often limit intimacy and empathy as each partner sees the other for who they want them to be rather than who they are. As a result, romantic relationships can bring intense emotional states such as hurt, resentment, jealousy, and disappointment.

See your partner as they are… not who you need them to be

GreenMaze TeleMental Health therapists facilitate a process focused on increasing understanding of each partner’s history, supporting communication, and growing an empathetic connection to address the needs of the relationship. We seek to help you and your partner feel understood and accepted.

We are here for you.